Buyer’s Inspection Services

CV Inspections, LLC abides by the state of Nevada’s Standards of Practice (SOP) (NAC 645D) during all inspection services. The Buyer’s Inspection is a thorough and non-invasive visual inspection of the home which gives buyers the information they need to know about its condition and damages before moving forward with a deal. The following safely accessible areas will be inspected:

  • Interior components
  • Built-in kitchen appliances
  • Insulation and ventilation systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Heating systems
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Exterior components
  • Roofing components
  • Structural system
  • Site of structure
  • Swimming pools
  • Outbuildings
  • Sewer Scope (add’l service as requested)
Las Vegas Home Inspector Chris Flannery

Buyer’s Inspection

CV Inspections, LLC abides by the state of Nevada’s Standards of Practice (SOP) (NAC 645D) during all inspections. The Buyer’s Inspection is a thorough and non-invasive visual inspection of the home which gives buyers the information they need to know about its condition and damages before moving forward with a deal. The following safely accessible areas will be inspected:

  • Interior components
  • Built-in kitchen appliances
  • Insulation and ventilation systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Heating systems
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Exterior components
  • Roofing components
  • Structural system
  • Site of structure
  • Sewer Scope (add’l service as requested)
Pre Listing Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection

The Pre-Listing Inspection helps home sellers determine what issues in the home should be addressed before putting it on the market. By knowing a home’s flaws before listing, sellers can increase negotiating power and avoid being surprised by issues uncovered during a buyer’s inspection.

Re Inspection


We can revisit the home for a Re-Inspection after request for repairs have been made. We will determine if the repairs were completed as agreed upon, keeping buyer and seller on the same page and offering additional peace of mind.

New Construction Inspection

New Construction Inspection

Once a new home is built, it should be inspected before its final walkthrough. During the New Construction Inspection, we uncover the oversights that may have been made during the building process. This allows the builder to address any issues as needed before the walkthrough. Then again prior to the year-end warranty ending.

New Construction Phase Inspection

New Construction Phase Inspection

New Construction Phase Inspections can be completed after each important phase during the building process. By having each phase inspected individually, builders can be sure that the final product is defect-free and complete.

New Construction Inspection

Sewer Scope Inspection

Routine sewer scope inspections can reveal blockages and pipe system damage that can be costly to repair if left unaddressed. Early detection of sewer issues can help save homeowners hundreds of dollars before further damage takes place.  Recommended when your home or purchase is 20 years or older.

4-Point Inspection

A 4-point inspection is an examination of the current condition of a residential or commercial property, reviewing four major systems: roofing, electrical, plumbing and HVAC.  This specific inspection is requested by homeowners/buyers insurance companies before someone can renew or be eligible for their desired coverage plan, normally done on homes 20 years or older.

Commercial Inspection services

Commercial Inspection

We offer commercial inspection services for commercial properties no larger than 10,000 sq. ft. During these inspection services, we look for the issues that buyer’s and owners should be made aware of before use of the property. We can also inspect pools and outbuildings as needed.

Code Inspection

Code Inspections

We offer comprehensive Code Inspections. During these inspections, we check that a property is safe, ready for use, and does not violate any Nevada state codes.

Investment Property Consultation

Consultations for Investors

By consulting with CV Inspections professionals, builders and investors can learn about a property and become more prepared to move their proposal through regulatory process without any hangups.  This includes Bank Draw Inspections.


Call CV Inspections, LLC Today

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